Voice Dialogue Facilitation

Voice Dialogue Facilitation

Carolyn Strauss is a certified Voice Dialogue facilitator who uses this modality to help executives communicate more effectively with themselves and their teams.

VOICE DIALOGUE is an internal conflict resolution tool that is based on the understanding that we are made up of a whole family of internal Selves, who often run our lives in an unconscious and automatic fashion.  In other words, the aspects of our personalities are explored. Voice Dialogue is one modality that explores with a client these powerful voices and provides the opportunity to learn the skills of working directly with them. This facilitates a greater understanding and integration of the internal polarities within our personality.

With an understanding of our inner voices, our ability to be centered within these different polarities increases.  We can then navigate our world with greater consciousness and increased understanding of our life and relationship patterns.  This enables us to achieve more, and remove barriers and beliefs that may be holding us back.