Remember being on the swings as a kid, and there is that moment when you get to the peak, and you are weightless and as light as a feather. Think of today as that moment. Where anything is possible and the momentum you create will bring you into your next chapter. I invite you to take time today to set a clear intention for what comes next in your world. You’ll be amazed what can happen!
And as we celebrate this “shortest daylight day” here in the Northern Hemisphere, and as nightime comes so early, I encourage us all to bring our own light with us into the world. Bring your whole, beautiful, bright shining self into each moment. Your friends, family, community and the world will thank you for it. They may not consciously know what you are doing, but they will leave your presence feeling lighter, and that’s a holiday gift that costs nothing and is worth everything.
Wishing you a bright, happy, healthy and magical Holiday Season and a blessed 2023! Namaste – Carolyn