Team Building Program featuring Working Genius™

“My team and I had the opportunity to work with Carolyn onsite around the topic SBAR – Situation, Background, Assessment and Recommendation. The positive feedback that was received from her presentation, and even months later, we absolutely feel her coaching made a positive contribution to our bottom line. I’m still a work in progress and I look forward to future sessions with Carolyn.”
Strategic Engagement
“Carolyn’s guidance on Strategic engagement helped me focus on the end goals for our organization. She helped me articulate and document the steps needed to achieve those goals and aided in the identity of those employees that will help complete each of the major tasks. This process resulted in higher employee engagement and a ‘yellow brick’ path to our goals. At present we are now #1 out of 147 companies that we compete against on our federal contract. I have no doubt that Carolyn’s coaching and strategic engagement sessions has helped us achieve this mark and enabled me to focus only on tasks that are relevant.”