As we come close to the end of yet another year, I want to invite you to think of this next 3 weeks, not as winding down, but gearing up for an amazing and productive 2018.
Here is my 3 step strategy for completing 2017 powerfully and for entering 2018 with purpose, vision and an action plan to make the most Dollars Per Minute™ as possible.
Step one: Review your 2017 goals/ intentions yourself or with you team to assess how close you came to reaching them, or exceeding them. If you fell short, invent a quick fix that you can implement in the next 2 weeks that can close the gap, or mitigate the harm caused by not reaching the goal. If you exceeded the goal, plan a celebration to mark the completion of an intention. Nothing helps morale than celebrating a win.
Step two: Spend some time and set your goals/ intentions for Q1 of 2018. What will you accomplish in the first 3 months of 2018? Looking ahead just 3 months allows your team to set measurable and achievable outcomes. When we set goals for all of the next year, it seems like we have so much time to get them done, that procrastination is common.
Step three: Create a visual representation of where you plan to go. A vision board, a team video, digital reminders of the outcome you intend so that everyone stays on track. Also, you may want to include everyone involved with achieving the vision including your key customers, and all support team members.
With this strategy in place, you are sure to hit the ground running in 2018. And with all of this handled, you may be able to enjoy your Holidays with ease and peace knowing that the future you are stepping into is on purpose.
May your holidays be filled with Health, Joy and Love!
The Holidays are here again. Can you believe it? December already. The weather is turning cold, and it seems that everyone is getting ready to wind down 2016 pretty soon. Too soon for me. Here are a few ideas to keep us from allowing the hectic pace and people’s “peopling”to trigger us to react with stress, anger and frustration.
Here are 3 tips to not get triggered and enjoy your holidays.
Understand that events are neutral. People are neutral. Nothing has meaning… good or bad until we superimpose our meaning onto it. So when you feel triggered, take a breath and realize that what is happening has no meaning… and then choose to give it the meaning that will serve YOU. If something is horribly triggering, breathe and find a way to separate yourself from it for a few minutes to give yourself perspective.
People are constantly “peopling”. What is that? It is that people with all of their personality components, their life situations and their history bring that into the room with them. Understand that you do not have to take it on. Any of it. Even with family, you can choose to objectively look at the behavior and language that is coming at you, and stand back, observe and then choose to engage or not. My Dad always said, you NEVER go wrong keeping your mouth shut.
And…. you can choose to or not to engage in the holiday ritual of shopping, and gift giving. If you have enough “stuff”, as I do, you can make the request of family and friends and co-workers, to make a small donation to a charity of your/ their choice. You can also ask someone to be specific as to what would be the best gift for them if they were to get a gift from you. Then you can choose consciously to create a holiday season that works for everyone.
Should you like to give the gift of coaching or voice dialogue facilitation to someone in your life or your organization, feel free to reach out to me and we can get it scheduled. My gift to you is that I’m here to help whenever you feel it will be a benefit, a joy or a gift.
I hope to speak for your organization or see you at an event in 2017.
With Peace and Blessings for a beautiful holiday season. – Carolyn