How to re-Focus for a wonderful Holiday season!
As we come close to the end of yet another year, I want to invite you to think of this next 3 weeks, not as winding down, but gearing up for an amazing and productive 2018.
Here is my 3 step strategy for completing 2017 powerfully and for entering 2018 with purpose, vision and an action plan to make the most Dollars Per Minute™ as possible.
Step one: Review your 2017 goals/ intentions yourself or with you team to assess how close you came to reaching them, or exceeding them. If you fell short, invent a quick fix that you can implement in the next 2 weeks that can close the gap, or mitigate the harm caused by not reaching the goal. If you exceeded the goal, plan a celebration to mark the completion of an intention. Nothing helps morale than celebrating a win.
Step two: Spend some time and set your goals/ intentions for Q1 of 2018. What will you accomplish in the first 3 months of 2018? Looking ahead just 3 months allows your team to set measurable and achievable outcomes. When we set goals for all of the next year, it seems like we have so much time to get them done, that procrastination is common.
Step three: Create a visual representation of where you plan to go. A vision board, a team video, digital reminders of the outcome you intend so that everyone stays on track. Also, you may want to include everyone involved with achieving the vision including your key customers, and all support team members.
With this strategy in place, you are sure to hit the ground running in 2018. And with all of this handled, you may be able to enjoy your Holidays with ease and peace knowing that the future you are stepping into is on purpose.
May your holidays be filled with Health, Joy and Love!

Why Halloween is Good for Everyone
Halloween is my favorite holiday. It’s brilliant. You get to choose who you’re going to be, put on a costume to show the world who you are, and then encourage people to give you stuff.
I think Halloween is a great training ground for kids. Why? Well, first, see what costume a child chooses. It will give you a hint into how they see themselves in relation to the world. If their costume is scary, ask them what is it about this character that they may enjoy being? See why they choose what they choose, and this is also an opportunity where they can NOT be wrong!
Next, I think encouraging children to talk to strangers in a controlled environment is a great idea. It’s not possible to make new friends without talking to strangers. So the idea of kids going and talking to strangers will give them access and practice of the gut feeling they get from each person. And if a parent is standing 20 feet away, then the child can have the experience and then the parent can take the opportunity to talk to the child about what they felt from that person, helping to fine-tune intuition.
And lastly, Halloween is a holiday that’s not “religion” based, and it’s all about candy, what could be bad? Once in a while, having some sweets, some candy, is fine… and fun! Anything in moderation is good. So, I wish everyone a Happy, Safe, Fun, Halloween. Go talk to strangers and eat some candy!

You choose.
It seems to me in all of the chaos and meaningless words that are being thrown around in the “current” right now, that it’s up to us to choose. To choose what we focus on and where we put our time and attention. We can focus on the beauty of nature, the warmth of the sun on our skin, the smell of the fresh cut grass, the taste of a really good ice cream cone.
We can choose where to put our attention which will directly affect and enhance the quality of Our Lives. It’s not just a question of “is the glass half-full or half-empty?”. It is a question of noticing that there is a glass, that there is something in it, and choosing how we feel about that. That is how you get the most value, the most “Dollars per Minute™“; or “Quality per Minute“, or “Joy per Minute“. Here’s wishing you the “Most per Minute“… always.

A new perspective on Valentine’s Day
I’m sure you’ve noticed that every other ad on television this week, is for what “Men can give” and “Women can get” for Valentine’s Day. Whether it’s for “chocolate diamonds”, flowers, candy or even a new car, February 14th has become a set up for potential failure and disappointment from all sides.
How about a new perspective for Valentine’s day, and hopefully it will take any possible disappointment out of this “Retail created holiday”.
First, instead of waiting for an outward demonstration of love, come to this Valentine’s Day FROM love. Ask yourself, how can I come from love today? How can I show everyone I care about the loving energy that is inherent in my being? Show up from a place of love.
Next, an amazing “gift of love”, can be to tell anyone in your personal circle, what having them in your world brings to you. You can even make a card and show them in words and pictures what they mean to you.
And finally, what ever happens on Tuesday, February 14th, understand that ANYTHING, however big or small, is a gesture of love. Any disappointment you may experience is only your thoughts around what has occurred and not what actually occurred. You can give yourself the gift of love, by stopping for a moment and asking the question, how do I bring love to this situation? You’ll be amazed at how love shows up. Happy Valentine’s Day!♥
What we can learn about Sales from Superbowl LI
Superbowl 51 was historic. It was the first Superbowl in history to go into overtime. And it was one of the biggest “come from behind” stories ever. As I watched the second half of the game through the final minutes, I realized that this game contains lessons we can all use. Here they are… enjoy.
1. It’s not over till it’s over. Never count yourself out even if you think you can’t win. Keep trying by doing what you do.
2. Next, do what you do well. You are there because you earned the right to be there.
3. Don’t take for granted how things are at one moment. Keep playing. No matter what happens. You never know how the tide can turn by one comment or anothers misstep.
4. Trust your experience. If you have a team that knows each other well and knows each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Always play to the strengths. If you have a product that has succeeded for other customers in the past, lean on that experience.
5. Win with dignity and lose graciously because there’s always next year…or the next sale.
6. Finally, take a break in the middle for some glitter, fun, and entertainment. Everyone loves to enjoy themselves, and if you can create some joy in their world, they might just want to do business with you… again.