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The Guest Room (A metaphorical homage to my uterus)

The Guest Room (A metaphorical homage to my uterus)

Imagine living in a home and in that home is a guest room​. This room has a perfect atmosphere. The temperature is perfect. The circulation is ideal and if someone stayed there they would be well fed, well nourished, well-loved and well cared for. Imagine that room is available for forty years. And every month you clean that room and make it as inviting and hospitable as it was at the very beginning.

And what if one day, you become aware that this room is no longer available? Does the room feel badly? Do you feel badly? Do you experience regret, or beat yourself up for never having used the room?

But, what if the room was never truly empty? What if the room held the space for curiosity, adventure, creativity and alternative possibilities to show up?

​What if, in place of regrets, you send the room love, and light and gratitude for the sacred space it gave you to have the unique and extraordinary life you created for yourself?

I am grateful for what the room allowed me to birth into my life, although not the traditional experience, but the experience of creating a life lived on my terms by the choice of my soul.

During this September, my birthday month, I send gratitude, love, light and peace to that part of myself that has always been there for me no matter how I chose to use it… or not.

P.S. To all of the women who’s “guest room” has been occupied at some point in your life. I wonder, have you received and do you continue to receive notes of thanks and acknowledgement from your guests?

You choose.

You choose.

It seems to me in all of the chaos and meaningless words that are being thrown around in the “current” right now, that it’s up to us to choose. To choose what we focus on and where we put our time and attention. We can focus on the beauty of nature, the warmth of the sun on our skin, the smell of the fresh cut grass, the taste of a really good ice cream cone.

We can choose where to put our attention which will directly affect and enhance the quality of Our Lives. It’s not just a question of “is the glass half-full or half-empty?”. It is a question of noticing that there is a glass, that there is something in it, and choosing how we feel about that. That is how you get the most value, the most “Dollars per Minute™“; or “Quality per Minute“, or “Joy per Minute“. Here’s wishing you the “Most per Minute“… always.

A new perspective on Valentine’s Day

A new perspective on Valentine’s Day

I’m sure you’ve noticed that every other ad on television this week, is for what “Men can give” and  “Women can get” for Valentine’s Day.  Whether it’s for “chocolate diamonds”, flowers, candy or even a new car, February 14th has become a set up for potential failure and disappointment from all sides.

How about a new perspective for Valentine’s day, and hopefully it will take any possible disappointment out of this “Retail created holiday”.  

First, instead of waiting for an outward demonstration of love, come to this Valentine’s Day FROM love.  Ask yourself, how can I come from love today? How can I show everyone I care about the loving energy that is inherent in my being? Show up from a place of love.

Next, an amazing “gift of love”, can be to tell anyone in your personal circle, what having them in your world brings to you.  You can even make a card and show them in words and pictures what they mean to you.

And finally, what ever happens on Tuesday, February 14th, understand that ANYTHING, however big or small, is a gesture of love.  Any disappointment you may experience is only your thoughts around what has occurred and not what actually occurred. You can give yourself the gift of love, by stopping for a moment and asking the question, how do I bring love to this situation?  You’ll be amazed at how love shows up.  Happy Valentine’s Day!♥

A Poem to Welcome 2017

A Poem to Welcome 2017

As another year comes to a close, another trip around the Sun
We look back at all we intended to happen and everything we got done
The new friends we made and the lessons we learned and even our losses and wins
And we can put them where they belong, in the past, and look toward how this next year begins
Now going forward we have the choice to make, as to how we want to react
Do we react from Fear or take action from Love for the greatest amount of impact
So I wish you peace and love and joy as we get “2017ing”
May your moments be great and your memories be warm, as you create a year rich with meaning.
-by Carolyn Strauss